My beautiful family.

My beautiful family.

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a new day in the neighborhood!

As I reflect on 2010 I'm amazed at how truly blessed I am.  New friendships were made, old friendships were strengthened, my business is soaring to heights I never imagined, both of my boys reached new milestones this year with Cody starting kkindergarten and playing soccer, Caleb started preschool and speech and is making leaps and bounds of improvements, amazed...that is what I am.  At church last night Scott said, "Live each day as it is your last, make each day extraordinary."  It's so true, with all of the great things in 2010 we of course had rough moments too.  I lost my dear Grandma...she will forever be missed.  The memories we shared are so very dear to me, and I wish everyday that I would have take a few more minutes out of my busy schedule to spend time with her.  Not to mention the big MOVE!  My family and friends packed up my little sister and brother-in-law and helped them start a new journey in Indiana last week.  It was so heartbreaking to see them go, but I'm looking forward to visiting soon and getting to learn all about a new place.  I'm such a proud big sister.  I wish you both the very best and I'll be counting the days until we get to visit!

Now, let's talk about goals.  I'm not going to say it's a resolution...but I want to make some changes and I'm setting steps, right?
1. Eat healthier, exercise, and drink more water.
-So far I'm off to a great start.  I've joined a Biggest Loser group, cut back on portions, skipped the bread, and have been drinking water.  Now if I can just squeeze in some breakfast...I will be doing good.
2. Start a blog...well I can chek that off my list.
3. Do a 365
-I've always got a camera in someone's why not.  I've already taken photos on the 1st and 2nd, now to just get them updated.
4. Do a 5K
-I've already come across one in the area and I am going to sign up today.  I'm looking for friends to join me, I can't wait.
5. SAVE $
-This is a process...but I'm already checking pockets and purses and filling up the piggy bank.  You have to start somewhere right?
6. Make time for adult things and spending quality time with Casey.
-We are already planning a snow tubing trip to West Virginia in February.
7. Get back to church!
-We attended the Flood service last night @ United Weslyn with friends and so we are off to a great start on that as well.

So, here's to new adventures in 2011~Cheers!


  1. Sounds like you have started 2011 with a great start. I love your goal list. I like the idea of goals instead of resolutions. I may just have to join you on that 5k. Happy 2011!

  2. Your goals sound fantastic! Tell me more about a '365' - is it take a picture every day? Sounds really fun! I am trying to keep a detailed scrapbook for 2011 because we have named it 'the year of Lowder travel!'. We have atleast one trip planned every month thru June already! You are always welcome to join us at #7. Shannon wants to do a 5K and 10K as well - what one did you sign up for? I want to be there to cheer you at the finish line!
